By religious profession, the Sister makes public vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in a holocaust of nuptial love, according to the Rule of Saint Augustine and the Constitutions of the St. Mary Sisters. This “triple expression of a single ‘yes’ to the one relationship of consecration” (Essential Elements, 14) configures her more fully to the pattern of life undertaken by Jesus and Mary. Fostering authentic human development, spiritual freedom, and purification of the heart, the living of the vows serve as a continuous stimulus to greater charity.
In seeking to respond to God’s grace and to live their consecration to the full, the Sisters are called, like the beloved apostle John, to take to themselves the Blessed Virgin Mary (John 19:27), the “sublime model of consecration to the Father, union with the Son, and openness to the Spirit” (Vita Consecrata,28). By deepening their relationship with the Mother of God and striving to imitate her Eucharistic attitude and spousal receptivity, the Sisters will experience her special maternal love and be strengthened in their vocations as Brides of Christ and their call to spiritual motherhood, “conscious always that in the Blessed Virgin Mary, consecrated persons also find a Mother” (Vita Consecrata, 28).
Following the apostolic year of the novitiate, the Sister joyfully makes her temporary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience for three years and renews for two additional years before making Final Profession. At First Profession, she receives the black veil which signifies her embracing a life of penance and humility, and her union with Christ.
Also, during this period of her religious life, she obtains the education and training necessary for work in the apostolate of teaching.
At Final Profession, the Sister receives a ring to signify her perpetual consecration to Christ. Her lifelong formation consists of intentional moments and opportunities such as community study nights, summer courses and conferences covering educational and theological topics, and annual retreats.